We Did it! Thank you :) Fundraising goal smashed!!

What a year it has been, from having to cancel our 2023 event to holding a march with over a 1,000 in attendance and a huge show of love, support and joy in the centre of Exeter in 2024. This journey would not have been possible though without the amazing support of all of our sponsors, donors and partners who not only provided financial support but also volunteers, venue hire and so many other elements that help to make pride happen.

We originally aimed to raise £15,000 but our supporters smashed that out of the part early on so we went for an ambitions £20,000! We knew it wouldnt be easy but you all did it and we ended up raising an amazing £20,361.

This money not only means that Pride is here to stay but that we can contiue to grow, support more poeple and carry out important commnity outreacha nd educaton whihc we have not been able to do in recent years.

Thank you all for your support and if you would still like to donate donations are always open through our just giving page here: Exeter Pride 2024 - JustGiving

All the love and Queer Joy.

Exeter Pride Committee



Exeter Pride 2024: Exeter Daily


Exeter Pride 2024: Expose (Exeter Uni)